Category Archives: Personal Information Management

BuJo, MLO, and me

Part of my addiction to Personal Information Management (PIM) is constant flirtation with platforms I haven’t tried… or even ones I have tried but want to revisit.

Waxing philosophical for a second, that probably goes with the territory.  Part of the obsessiveness that goes with an interest in PIM is FOMO, Fear of Missing Out.

“What if there’s something to that alternative GTD software I didn’t try?  I owe it to myself to just take it for a spin, just trial it.”

Well, there’s no such thing as “just trial it” with PIMs.  You have to actually run a decent simulation or you don’t find out what you need to know: does this PIM system have something new I can add to my bag of tricks.

And so I’ve frequently been in the situation of running two PIM systems simultaneously, one as my standby and one as a trial run.

And so it was, at the end of November/beginning of December.  I spent two weeks running BuJo and MLO side-by-side, trying to see what I could learn about either.

“MLO” is my standby, MyLifeOrganized, which I’ve been using for a few years.  I blogged about my crush on MLO some years ago here.

But a bigger and bigger % of my day and week is going into MLO daily and weekly planning and support.  I found myself wondering if there were something… leaner?

Enter BuJo, which is the shorthand for “Bullet Journal”, a wildly different PIM approach described on the site.

  1. Biggest surface difference: BuJo is analog.  You keep your accounting in a paper notebook and you fill in stuff with pen or pencil.  It’s really analog.
  2. Core BuJo is not particularly supportive of GTD.  The core of GTD — putting everything into the system, managing all open loops, organizing stuff by context, picking next actions — can be done in BuJo to some extent, but the system doesn’t really support it, and probably isn’t meant to be used in that way (FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m of course not a BuJo adept and I’m sure there are many decent implementations of GTD using the BuJo “platform”
  3. The standard system has no weekly review.  This was a big conundrum for me, because I’m deeply addicted to weekly review as the main tool for constraining what I work on.  “Native” BuJo has a daily flow and a monthly flow but no weekly flow.  I suspect this is by design, although the core Bullet Journal text has a nod to weekly review as something you can implement if you want.

But the promise of the system is that it’s lean.

  1. You take lean notes (the term “Bullet Journal” comes from the bulleted telegraphic style in which Ryder Carroll, the inventor of BuJo, advises you to take notes).
  2. You struggle to exclude “stuff”, not include it.  Part of the methodology calls for regularly “migrating” entries from one place to another (to Next Month, to the Future, to the Next Day, etc.)  The virtue of migrating by hand is that you take a hard look at what goes forward and what does not.  Migrating is core to the smooth operation of a BuJo process.  (One of the core tenets of GTD is that putting everything into the system — instead of trying to keep it in your head — makes your life easier.  My guess is that Ryder Carroll would not agree.)

The lean “promise” was appealing to me.  My MLO implementation has gotten more and more… involved.  My Saturday and Sunday planning (yes, I do some planning on each day) probably takes 2-3 hours all in.  My morning routine probably takes an hour.

I guess I was hoping that I could scale some of the kruft off my MLO practice with some hot ideas from BuJo.

So what happened?

I dug in, I read the book.  I decided that a few things in my and monthly reviews could be streamlined.  I decided that I liked the telegraphic BuJo note-taking format and would try to use that in my daily Evernote entries (part of that morning routine I was grousing about above).

And I decided that, for now, I was happy with MLO and was going to continue on with it subject to those tweaks.

Themes for Work and Learning – Week of December 2, 2018 (and a Self-Criticism)

Well, that has been quite the extended Thanksgiving holiday!  It’s been two weeks since I’ve posted.

(Which calls for a word or two of self-criticism.  At the end of the post.)

This week I’m continuing to work on the Go Language and the MLO parser.  I think I’m going to continue with this through the Hannukah and Christmas holidays.  So I’ll probably pick up 7 Hard Problems in January.

The goal this week is to find the right architecture for the parser now that I’ve read most of the Go Language book (except for the sections on concurrency, which I’m not ready for and which is not an issue for my parser project.)  I’m wrapping up the book this week (again, except for those concurrency chapters 8 and 9).

This week is going to be a combination of reading and work on the parser, which I haven’t done since September.  So there’ll be some context switching and dusting-off to do.

After the dusting-off I want to find the right way to handle the key problem of the parser, which is how to treat the various actions the parser might perform in response to the same input for varying contexts.

For example: I want to be able to parse an MLO file and output just the “views” from the file in a way that they can automatically synchronize with MLO instances on other computers and platforms.  Right now I have to do this manually.

Another example: I want to be able to translate an MLO file into a nearly-equivalent ToDoist file (which is complicated because the ToDoist paradigm isn’t really hierarchical.)

We’re traipsing through a giant XML file in the same basic fashion for both of these, but the actions to be taken for each node in the XML couldn’t be more different.

I’m looking to use Go’s interface capability to represent these similarities and differences in a uniform manner.

Enough said.  Happy to say more offline if you’re interested in Go, interfaces, MLO, my parser, and anything else related.

Now for the self-criticism…

I don’t know whether or not I’ve blogged about self-criticism, but I have a couple of non-standard ideas about it:

  1. It’s actually a good thing, provided
  2. You do a real self-criticism.

What makes a self-criticism real?

  1. You have to cotton to the problem: “I screwed up.  I shouldn’t have called you those names.”
  2. You have to say something about why the problem happened: “I get defensive when I feel like it’s my fault something bad happened.”
  3. You have to say how you think the problem can be averted in the future: “I think I can keep from lashing out if I take a moment between feeling responsible for stuff  and reacting.”

So here, what’s the self-criticism:

  1. I didn’t really process that I was going to be on the road and on vacation during the week of Thanksgiving, so I should have said up front that I wasn’t going to be able to keep up my pace of blogging.  In the week after, I thought to myself, “well, in a dime, in for a dollar” and decided to not blog last week either.
  2. It’s a cycle familiar to me from diets and other attempts to break bad habits: you realize you’ve screwed up and so you give yourself permission to screw up big time!  “What’s another week of not blogging?”
  3. I think I can avert the problem in the future if I’m straight with myself beforehand about what I can and can’t do.

I think that’s a decent self-criticism.  What do you think?

Hack of the Week: 5-day Sprints

What I want to do on Friday is kick back a little from the intensity of the Deep Work by finding some cool hack that I think would be of interest to my fellow life- and work- hackers.

I figured we needed some ground rules, so:

  1. The Hack needs to have come to my attention in the previous week, since the previous Friday.  I’m not as au courant as I used to be, but I still see a lot of stuff slosh by.  Requiring any hack I tout to be recent seems like a service to all of you.
  2. I have to be using it, or want to be using it or noodling how to use it.  If it’s of academic interest, let’s leave it to the academics.
  3. Slight prejudice in favor of non-app hacks.  In my entrepreneurship courses almost every student idea takes the form of an app even if the app is somewhat negative for the use case.

We may need more ground rules as we go along.

With that framing, my Hack of the Week this week is 5-day sprints.

I read about 5-day sprints in “Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days” by Jake Knapp, John Zeransky, and Braden Kowitz from Google Ventures

The basic idea is kind of a mashup of Agile and Lean Startup:

  • Monday through Thursday, devote all the hours between 10-5 100% for working through a structured process for generating a solution to a pressing problem for the team.
  • Friday is then “customer reaction day” (from 9-5).  The day is spent finding out what real “customers” (those who would use the solution) think of the solution generated.
  • So there’s a looming deadline all week supplying urgency.  And there’s a 100% dedication of the team that’s working the problem to… working the problem.  So there’s focus.

What gets my juices going is the idea of applying this to my own weekly “sprints”.  I’m not a team and I differ in many respects from the examples discussed in the book.  But I believe that structure — and specifically some of the structured ideas worked out in the book — are going to make my sprints more productive.

Check out Sprint.  Let me know what you think.  Have a great weekend.

Themes for study and learning in February

The themes I wanted to work on  for January were:

  1. Continue with Presence and Deep Work.   I got a lot of reading done on this and some good work in January.  Going forward I’ll be experimenting with strategy and tactics for increasing my Deep Work time (and my presence with respect to Deep Work and, really, everything).
  2. Fascism and Totalitarianism.   Didn’t get far with this, since I wanted to start with Hanna Arendt and (surprise surprise!) it’s in great demand at my libary, so I haven’t risen to the top of the queue.  I’ll continue this thread in February
  3. The Body.   4HB was a bit disappointing on second reading.  Tim Ferriss is a great showman and he has all kinds of cool hacks, but for my Body scheme I’m moving forward with more classic approaches: Weight Watchers, YAYOG (You Are Your Own Gym), and the “Younger Next Year” approach to working (back) up to fitness. 

Themes for February

  1. Continue with Fascism and Totalitarianism.  Hopefully Arendt will become available soon at the library (or I may just have to spring for it).  Open to other suggestions
  2. PowerPoint innards.  I have a scheme to code a web app which will check your PowerPoint deck for “5 common Intelligent Pitching flaws” per my work on Intelligent Pitching over the last couple of years.  See back posts for more.
  3. Poker.  I’m in a regular poker game but not getting any better at it.  Time to buckle down and do some reading and deliberate practice.

Welcome your thoughts…

PIM projects and PIM events: how to organize?

I’ve become a big fan of hierarchical todo-list managers.  It’s great to go down from “All of Life” through Roles to Goals to Projects to Tasks to Next Actions.  I don’t know if it helps me be more productive, but it certainly feels good to think that everything’s connected somehow.

Except some things are not just tree-connected.  They’re graph-connected.

What’s the difference?  A graph can have several “ancestors” (maybe better to call them “predecessors”) for each node.  So a task like “send article to Joe” can belong to “cultivate relationship with Joe” and “send article to tech visionary friends.”

An example of graph structure which most GTD-oriented software supports is “contexts” vs. “projects”.  My project might be to finish the sprinkler controller, but different parts of that project will take place in different contexts: Workshop, Internet, Computer, InMyHead.  Contexts are usually implemented as labels.

One graph-structured problem I’m wrestling with now is the distinction between a project and an event.

I might have a project, say, to improve my friendships with several friends.  And I may have an event where I get together for drinks with some or all of them.

With a hierarchical PIM and contexts, I have a couple of choices about how to implement this:

  1. The Event could own the Projects.  In this case, “Get together for drinks” owns all of the people I’m going to have drinks with.  Problem: it’s inelegant, and it’s transient.  Once the event is over, I have to stick the various friends someplace else.  One would think that the friendships were the more important or less transient or more durable thing and should therefore go above the event in the hierarchy, but there’s no easy way to get a number of parents in a hierarchy to own (or share ownership of) a child node.
  2. The Event could be a context, a label.  Probably a better solution, in that a context is sort of like an event — it’s a physical or logical place where certain tasks can be done — but I’ve already overloaded contexts in my PIM and it’s starting to break down.
  3. The PIM I use now, MLO, allows a node to own an unrelated node elsewhere in the hierarchy, but these relationships are kind of hidden in the software (maybe an afterthought for the developers) and hard to manage.  One wants the graph relationships to be first-class citizens within the software.

Any thoughts?

Complexity — and simplicity — in a PIM

My to-do lists get more and more complex over time.

I’ve explained here why I like My Life Organized (or “MLO” for short).  Briefly, MLO allows you to organize your tasks into a hierarchy, so that bigger tasks can be divided into smaller tasks and tasks without an organizing principle can be grouped into higher-level “projects” or simply “folders”.

But a consequence of this for me — and I think for any PIM-head who takes this stuff seriously — is that the list of tasks invariably grows and becomes more complex.

Most PIM software has a way of ranking or sorting tasks: by “importance”, by “urgency”, by overdue-ness, by all of the above.  It would be nice to build in to the PIM software some kind of scoring for simplicity as well.  One PIM tree is simpler than another if it isn’t as deeply nested, or if there isn’t a large degree of co-dependence between the various tasks, or <pick your simplicity function here>.

You could then have the software detect and warn you if you were adding on complexity at an alarming rate, and give you some tactics (or even semi-automated processes) for simplifying your PIM tree.

Be careful what you wish for, I guess.  I used some PIM software for a while which would actually put your tasks into the calendar based on the importance sort (and available time slots: each task had to be assigned a length).  Tasks could be split up to some extent, and it was nifty for a couple of days, but then it really got like Dr. Evil’s “unattended killer machine” that was supposed to do in Austin Powers and never did.  It was a major task trying to re-jigger the tasks so they would fit into the schedule where I knew they should go anyhow.  And finally, to achieve simplicity, I threw the software overboard and moved on.

Maybe a simplicity automaton would work better than an automatic scheduler, but I suspect it too could be become a tyrant if wholly automated.  Best to make software our companion and not our master.

Down Payment on a PIM use case discussion

My friend Bob and I are teaching together the next couple of days, and I know he gets excited about PIM stuff.  Not quite a PIM-head, perhaps, but a PIM-head-in-training.

We had a not-altogether-clear preliminary conversation about what PIM use case would make Bob buy PIM software.

What excites him, like many, is making better use of his contacts.  Matt may be a doc at Hopkins with life-science research cred (complete fictional example btw) but he’s also an expert on smoking meat.    And his wife is a patent attorney.

You could imagine several ways to code up Matt as a contact (using categories or labels or the like) but two things rise up to bite you: 1) you don’t know all the uses of Matt you’re going to make downstream (you may take an interest in scuba later on, and Matt is a certified dive instructor) and 2) the collection of all the possible labels becomes unwieldy itself; you can’t remember how to code up a smoked-meats expert and end up inventing several labels and making the mess worse.  You now have to scroll down through a hairy ontology-ish beast in order to search or browse, and chances are you won’t.

This was a down payment on a further discussion.  Someday when magically there’s more time Bob and I are going to sit down for a hour or two and work through the various use cases.  It’ll be fun.

The disconnect between to-dos, habits, and calendar entries

I’m still vexed by the disconnect between these three kinds of commitments, which I discussed in an earlier post.

I still use one app for to-dos (MLO) and one for habits (most recently Habitica, as suggested by Chris Bailey.  I’ve had the feeling with my to-do app that things are somehow converging: I’m getting more and more of the features I want each time I do a kaizen improvement and switch to a somewhat better app.

I don’t get the same feeling at all with the habits apps.  I want two things from a habits app which I don’t care about (as much) with a to-do app:

  1. Fuzzy recurrence.  I’ve talked about that here: basically the ability to specify things like “every 2-3 day” or “at least 6 times a week”.
  2. Accountability.  I want some mechanism in the app that makes me feel good when I do the habit and makes me feel bad when I leave the habit out.

These things wouldn’t be terrible in a to-do app, but they’re not as important.  With a habits app, you’re interested in showing up, in Jerry Seinfeld’s unbroken chain.

Habitica gets a C- for fuzzy recurrence.  There are “dailies”, which are things that have to be done every day and if you miss you get dinged.  And there are habits, where you get + or – (depending on the habit) if you engage in the habit, whenever.  There’s some ability to pick which days of the week the habits apply, but it’s far from a rich set of fuzzy recurrence operations.

But the daily-ness of the app (and maybe its very clunkiness) helps me with the accountability.  I have a drive to check off those daily things, because I know the system has no flexibility, and I know I’ll be punished if I don’t.

Punished how?  The gamification elements in the app help me with staying accountable.   I lose Strength and Health if I don’t do my good dailies or if I do do my bad dailies.  Ditto with the habits, although it’s less hortatory with the habits (maybe because they don’t need to be done every day).

My ultimate PIM would combine some of this stuff with the to-do functionality.  Right now I have some things I want to do every day that are in both MLO and Habitica.  And, btw, perhaps the ultimate PIM could link accountability to bank account or reputation or other stuff that some of the “do or die” apps have.

And then having that stuff project to my calendar would be the Holy Grail.

Intentional Objects and Relationship Objects

I’m beginning to think about how to conceptualize the world of personal information management, and I’m finding some food for thought.

First of all, I was quite interested in a Viewpoint by Yoav Shoham in Communications of the ACM (not sure if non-members can read it, but the link is here).

Yoav and two co-founders started Timeful, a PIM company sold to Google in 2015.  His Viewpoint was about Timeful’s approach to generalizing time events.

What they zeroed in on was the intentional aspect of calendar events.  A meeting, a habit, a bucket-list entry, all have a time and calendar element, but they vary in other aspects, including their relationship to our intentions.  Timeful reified these as “Intentional Objects” or IO’s, which were the foundation of the Timeful design.

Sadly, all one can see of this design is a screenshot or two from Yoav’s papers, because Google, after it acquired Timeful, shut down its app and threw the cloak of secrecy over how the work would be developed within the ‘Plex.  Their right to do so, of course, but something of a pathetic move for a company with their stature and cash flow.

Timeful, I’m surmising, used the various aspects of an IO to plan automated scheduling for all of one’s time-based events: the weekly status meeting, the visit to the gym, the daily block of work on the Great American Novel.  A very interesting line of thinking, and an interesting app (although I must say my tastes run more to Intelligent Assistants than to Omniscient AIs: I would rather have the app perform as an amanuensis than as an opaque oracle, but maybe that’s what the Timeful team had in mind, or maybe that’s what Google has in mind.)

In any case, I started thinking about contacts in the same way that the Timeful team was thinking about calendar entries: think outside the box, try to generalize, try to see what human purposes are being served by maintaining a contact list.

A couple of reflections:

  1. I have contacts in my contact list where I’m interested in the individual, where I’m interested in the couple, and where I’m interested in the household (e.g., neighbors).  Why do we have to treat these all the same way in a contact list, and how do we design a “Relationship Object” that will  capture the nuances of these differences and allow our software to work expressively with them.
  2. There are lots of non-humans that want me to treat them like humans.  In particular, corporations and brands want me to Like them, to white-list them, and to store them as contacts just like my individuals, couples, and households.  Are these really the same thing?  Why not?  Is it because of the asymmetry in our relationship (they can yammer at me; I can’t really yammer at them, for example), or is it because of the power asymmetry?  Is there a power dimension to all contacts?  How to model that?
  3. How about contacts that can order me around (IRS) or even kill me (Selective Service, for those of us who remember the draft)?  How do we model that?  Do their “requests” (demands, really) have more urgency than others’?  More importance?

Love your thoughts on all this, and on how IO’s and RO’s and <other>O’s would interact in the PIM of tomorrow…

Starting up the “Recurrent Tasks” PIM project

So, some developments on the PIM front.

First, off, in conversation with Larry Fitzpatrick I’ve decided to bite off an actual project, as a way of jumpstarting my efforts to write the ultimate PIM as well as to re-start as a coder and — who knows? — feather my nest in other ways as well.

I had been thinking about a project of scraping social media — Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. — to generate personal “Klout-like” stats.

Why scrape?  As I began to look into it, it seemed that most of these sites had APIs for business use — Fan pages, etc. — but nothing for personal use.  Want to figure out engagement for your Facebook pages?  They’ve got an API for that.  Wanto to figure out engagement with you as a person.  SOL.

Larry talked me out of that.  He said that there was a lot of “pumping out entropy” in any scraping effort, and I would end up with a needs-to-be-maintained-constantly hack which didn’t prove any concepts or really make much progress toward the goal of the ultimate PIM machine.

So he asked me to say the first thing that came into my head for a more substantive theoretical piece of the PIM pie, and I said “recurrent to-dos”.

I blogged about them here.  They’re theoretically interesting.  They actually lie at the heart of what makes me most interested in one or another PIM product (so they differentiate one’s hack).  And they are pretty kludge-y in most PIMs, from Outlook to Todoist to Toodeldoo and beyond.

So I started thinking about it.  I had also been reading some of Paul Graham’s essays (if you haven’t read them, they’re wonderful; go here), and he had written about using LISP for coding his ecommerce platform (eventually bought by Yahoo).

It was like Proust’s madeleine.  It took me back to an era where I wrote in LISP and, more importantly, thought in LISP.  And in LISP, recurrent objects are kind of trivial.

Trivial in the sense that there’s no difference between a function and a variable in LISP: generators look syntactically just like atoms (except that they may have arguments, etc.).  The language doesn’t make you jump through hoops to use a function where you might use a variable (or vice versa).

So maybe LISP would be a good medium for experimenting with how to do recurrent PIM patterns, since a PIM pattern may be nothing but a generator for to-do events (I say “may be” because one wants to undo recurrent to-dos, update them, and other operations TBD).

So I was wondering if Graham were really right and it would be possible to right a major server-side app in LISP.

And then it hit me: JavaScript treats functions just the way LISP does!

This could all be done in JavaScript.

So now I can kill three birds with one stone: get started re-sharpening my coding skills, come up to speed on JavaScript, and move forward on the PIM project.


Next step is to do some experiments with a Recurrent_Generator class.