Category Archives: Workhacking

Last Week and This Week: ZettelKasten, Income Inequality, and I-Corps

I’ve had a pretty good run for January on Deep Work. But February will not be so kind.

This upcoming week I’m going to be training some new I-Corps instructors at GW, so I’ll be working most of the day Wednesday through Friday.

It doesn’t rule out doing any Deep Work on those days, but it’s not going to make it easy. So there’s really Monday and Tuesday only this week.

The week after that I’m joining my wife in Hawaii for her meetings and some… potentially Deep Work, perhaps. We’ll see how it goes.

And the week after that I’m doing more work on the I-Corps trainees as well as returning from Hawaii via SF for a couple of days.

You get the idea.

So I have the same agenda — flesh out the 7 Hard Problems chapter on “Individual Wealth and Commonwealth” — but it’s going to go more slowly than January. I’ll be lucky to finish the Piketty book this week.

And what about the week just past, you may well ask?

Last week I had a big diversion. I immersed myself in the Zettelkasten technique for note-taking.


Well, I’ve been unhappy with the quality of my notes for 7 Hard. And the unhappiness came to a head maybe the week before last.

Coincidentally — I think it was from Lifehacker or some other PIM-ish source — I ran across a book about “Smart Notes”, by Sonke Ahrens.  Needless to say, I bought it at once and dug right in.

Ahrens does not have the most straightforward presentation of his subject, but the book eventually covers a note-taking system of stunning interest. I devoted most of the Deep Work last week to grokking it and only on Friday did I take a pass on continuing my Piketty note-taking with the new system.

I will report more as I get more familiarity with it.

(Cool aside: I was googling around for Zettelkasten and found the name of an academic friend who was YouTube-ing as an expert on some of the Zettlekasten software. I viewed his videos with great interest. Nick Cifuentes-Goodbody, thanks!)

Cabinet of Curiosities: Tim Ferriss’ Hack for Learning Anything Quickly

Do you know Tim Ferriss?  No?  A pity.  You should.  As Han Solo said about Lando Calrissian: “He’s a scoundrel.  You’d like him.”

I’m not sure how he describes what he does nowadays, but at some point he said he “deconstructed world-class performance.”  In other words, he figures out how outliers do the things they do.

If you know anything about outliers, you know it takes 10,000 of deliberate practice to become world-class at anything.

Which is why it’s surprising, at first, the Tim Ferriss has a hack, sandwiched right in the middle of The Four-Hour Chef, for learning how to get pretty good at anything, quickly.

“Pretty good”?  For Tim Ferriss, that means “top 5% of practitioners”.

“Quickly”?  That means 6 to 12 months or even — if you’re manic like him — 6 to 12 weeks.

So, you can choose: 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to get world-class, or 6 months of somewhat deliberate practice to get to top 5%.

What’s the system?  Two acronyms: DiSSS and CaFE.

The main one is DiSSS, which is

  1. Deconstruction.  What are the minimal learnable units, the Lego blocks, to start with?
  2. Selection.  Which 20% of the blocks gives you 80% of the competence?
  3. Sequencing.  In what order should you learn the blocks?
  4. Stakes.  Set things up so you work hard at it.

You need help with this.  Ferriss discusses several cases in Chef, a couple of which spoke to me:

Shinji Takeuchi is an ordinary Japanese gentleman who developed an approach to swimming which emphasized effortless pleasure instead of the usual competitive thing of maximum output.  Terry Laughlin wrote a book about Takeuchi’s method,  Total Immersion, which does you the favor of doing steps 1-3 for you.  He tells you what “alphabet” you have to learn, which are the most important elements, and in what sequence to learn them.  Alas, he doesn’t give you the stakes :-).

Ferriss also does a case study on shooting basketball three-pointers.  What’s interesting here is that, like Tim Ferriss, I have very little interest in basketball, but a strong contributor to my lack of interest is that I’ve always pretty much sucked at it.  So I was interested.

His recipe:

Find a guru.  He suggests finding somebody who is 5-10 years past fame, so that they’re still fantastic but don’t have an ego about it.

Offer them something for their help.  Probably not money, but a mention in your blog?

Ask them about 1, 2, and 3.  1) What is the “alphabet” of basketball shooting. 2) What the the most significant things that bad players do wrong?  What are the most significant things that bad players can to to improve?  3) What does a progression of exercises look like?

There’s a lot more.  And there’s a lot more in the book.  Highly recommended.

“How to Skip to the Good S**t in a Long YouTube Tutorial”

I dug this up in Lifehacker.  On the off chance you don’t regularly read it, you should!

I’m always vexed by video content because you can’t skip ahead.  You’re forced to drink in info at the rate the author wanted you to.  What good is that?

This post has three or four suggestions about how to skip the guff and get to the point.

Have a great weekend!

Cabinet of Curiosities: David Graeber, Trans-national Treasure?

David Graeber is the author of Debt: The First 5,000 Years, which I’m reading with great interest.  But he is a man of many parts.

In the first place, he is described as an “anarchist activist”.  He was involved with Occupy Wall Street and is a card-carrying member (if they carry cards) of the Wobblies, the Industrial Workers of the World (their slogan is terrific: “An Injury to One is an Injury to All”).

And these interests have prompted two recent books, which I discovered the other day and now have on order:

The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy is a great title.  I’m looking forward to reading it.

And Bullshit Jobs: A Theory is an even more terrific title.

I’m guessing that the two books are following a new thread for Graeber: the meaninglessness and folly of work in the “advanced” countries.

His thesis, or one of them, seems to be that instead of shortening the work week as work becomes less necessary, our captains of industry are draining the meaning out of jobs but insisting that people show up in costume regardless.

I’ve been interested in two memes about the world of work, in the past as a VC but now as an author: 1) the “Mechanical Turk-ization” of work (Mechanical Turk is Amazon’s work-by-the-drink project for turning people into computer-like clones) and 2) the Millenial-driven quest for meaning in work, which is a reaction and a hopeful sign.

I’ll be interested to see what Graeber has to say about these.

(I’m calling him a trans-national treasure because he is currently evidently in London teaching at the LSE.)

Hack of the Week: Evernote to Scrivener

I’ve seen all kinds of allusions to hacks that allow integration between Evernote and Scrivener.

Kind of a specialized hack in some sense, but enough people seem to want the capability that it’s worth reporting a success.

Here’s what I got from a Denise Olson post on Moultrie Creek Gazette about how to send an individual Evernote note to Scrivener.  I’ve gotten it to work on my Mac Scrivener (3.x).

  1. Save the whatever-it-is to Evernote
  2. Make sure your Scrivener is open to a project where you want the note to go
  3. Tell Evernote to Print the note, and then pick the PDF option
  4. You will see an option to “Send PDF to Scrivener”
  5. The note will appear in pdf form in your Scrivener Research section.


Three Things I’ve Learned About Writing

I’ve learned three basic things about writing over the last forty-five years that are worth passing on.

  1. Real Writers Write, Would-Be Writers Moan About Not Being Able to Write

I learned this lesson from Judith Viorst, when I was just turning thirty.  I saw her at a party in TriBeCa and we walked about my writerly ambitions.  I don’t remember exactly what she said but this phrase is what I took away.

(Judith Viorst has written numerous terrific books in a welter of genres.  I’ve always particularly loved Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Day and Necessary Losses, an irritating discouraging but ultimately hopeful book about why losing everything is good for you.

At first I was furious with her for saying this, but as I thought about it over months, I realized that, first of all, it was good advice: writing (as opposed to moaning about not being able to write) was within my power, and relatively easy to do (more on this later).  I also realized that it was literally true: if all you did was moan about not being able to write, you would never be a writer.  You would only be a wannabe.

So I started writing essentially every day, a practice I’ve kept up until now.

2) Writing Is Different From Rewriting

When you are doing the first draft of something, you are working against an internal critic I called — in my thirties and forties — The Censor.  The Censor wants to edit everything you write, I observed, and can paralyze you when you’re trying to get a first draft down on paper.

Once you have something written, The Censor becomes your friend.  And the work changes from getting something, anything, down on paper to getting it right, getting the right thing down on paper, getting the right effect.

These are two different jobs and they require two different philosophies, two different practices, and two different sets of techniques.

Writing — the first draft — requires a philosophy of toleration.  You have to subvert The Censor by pretending that everything you are putting on paper is peerless.

The practice appropriate to getting words on paper is write <X> pages of text a day without regard to its quality.  Quantity matters; quality does not.

A technique that corresponds to this is what Peter Elbow called “freewriting” in his terrific (and still relevant) classics Writing Without Teachers and Writing With Power  When you freewrite, you just keep writing, even if (as sometimes happens) you write the same phrase over and over again like Stephen King’s character in The Shining.  To be fair, it doesn’t usually happen that you repeat page after page; you usually start gushing again after a few lines, not unlike restarting a jammed pen.

A variant of this is Calvin Trillin‘s vomitout strategy which is such a good name I’ve taken it over as the generic name for my first-draft efforts.

Rewriting requires putting The Censor back in charge.

(BTW, rewriting is not the same thing as “checking punctuation, spelling, and grammar”.  That’s great stuff, but that’s after rewriting.  Rewriting is whipping the first draft into shape, getting it to achieve exactly the effects you want it to achieve.)

The practice appropriate to rewriting is write for <X> hours a day without regard to the quantity of rewriting you finish.  If you spend 4 hours dithering over a comma, so be it.  If, on the other hand, you read over 10 pages without making any changes, you are probably not rewriting hard enough.

Writing can be done in a notebook or on a computer.  Rewriting usually requires space.  You have to spread out the whole work, look at the whole thing, put the whole thing up on the wall or out on a table.  It also requires what Cal Newport would call “deep work”: big blocks of uninterrupted time spent worrying the material.

3) Everyone has The Censor, and His Aim is to Keep You From Doing Your Work

Have you read The War of Art yet?  No?  Buy it.  Read it.

Hack of the Week: SawStop saw

I saw this one in a Family Handyman email blast and it was a no-brainer for Hack of the Week.

Nice saw, and all that.  Kind of pricey.

But it’ll stop within five milliseconds of contacting human skin.  That’s fast enough to save your fingers.

When I was in college I worked one summer in a machine shop and came within an ace of losing a couple of fingers in a table saw.  The alert guy in charge of lab batted my hand away.  This saw embodies that alert guy.

As Family Handyman says, “how much are your fingers worth”?

Here it is on Amazon


Hack of the Week: 5-day Sprints

What I want to do on Friday is kick back a little from the intensity of the Deep Work by finding some cool hack that I think would be of interest to my fellow life- and work- hackers.

I figured we needed some ground rules, so:

  1. The Hack needs to have come to my attention in the previous week, since the previous Friday.  I’m not as au courant as I used to be, but I still see a lot of stuff slosh by.  Requiring any hack I tout to be recent seems like a service to all of you.
  2. I have to be using it, or want to be using it or noodling how to use it.  If it’s of academic interest, let’s leave it to the academics.
  3. Slight prejudice in favor of non-app hacks.  In my entrepreneurship courses almost every student idea takes the form of an app even if the app is somewhat negative for the use case.

We may need more ground rules as we go along.

With that framing, my Hack of the Week this week is 5-day sprints.

I read about 5-day sprints in “Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days” by Jake Knapp, John Zeransky, and Braden Kowitz from Google Ventures

The basic idea is kind of a mashup of Agile and Lean Startup:

  • Monday through Thursday, devote all the hours between 10-5 100% for working through a structured process for generating a solution to a pressing problem for the team.
  • Friday is then “customer reaction day” (from 9-5).  The day is spent finding out what real “customers” (those who would use the solution) think of the solution generated.
  • So there’s a looming deadline all week supplying urgency.  And there’s a 100% dedication of the team that’s working the problem to… working the problem.  So there’s focus.

What gets my juices going is the idea of applying this to my own weekly “sprints”.  I’m not a team and I differ in many respects from the examples discussed in the book.  But I believe that structure — and specifically some of the structured ideas worked out in the book — are going to make my sprints more productive.

Check out Sprint.  Let me know what you think.  Have a great weekend.

Mediating between two worlds may be a good career strategy

As a software engineer in Silicon Valley in the ’80’s and ’90’s, when our skills were deeply in demand (and the Flat World hadn’t happened yet), my salary crept up from job to job.  Not nothing, but maybe 100% increase over 20 years.  Not much year over year.

Starting in the late ’90’s, I switched to jobs where I was helping another group with technology.  First I was a Thought Leader (whatever that is) at PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Global Technology Centre, and then I was a VC at Valhalla Partners.  Over that 20-year stretch my salary went up 3x.  300%.

Why?  I think it’s the difference between cost-based and value-based price for my labor power.  As a software engineer, I was very good, but essentially I was a cost to my employers.  The less they paid me the lower the cost.  As a Thought Leader and a VC I was harder to price.  People tended to pay me a percentage of the value I was adding to their “product”, which worked out to a much sweeter deal.

I don’t know if this story constitutes a proof that mediating between two worlds is a better career strategy than being a star within one.  But I suspect it’s true.  And I recommend it to you.

Themes for Study and Learning in March

So, first a recap for February:

  1. Future of Work.  This is robots, guaranteed annual income, future of labor, AI, etc.  Did almost no reading in this area in February.  I could give a lot of excuses, but, bottom line, it just didn’t happen.
  2. Antiquity.  I’m interested in the glory that was Greece (and Rome :-)), why it got hammered, and what we can learn about classicism, faith, science, curiosity, paganism, etc.  Read “The Swerve”, some of “The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister’s Pox”, and most of “Rubicon”.  Did some posting on the topics.
  3. Morning Routines.  I’m trying (yet again) to “Kaizen” my morning routine, so I’ll be looking at stuff like Tim Ferris’ “Tools of Titans”, Mason Currey’s “Daily Rituals”, etc.  I re-read the descriptions of the Pomodoro Technique from the founder and from others.  I understood better why some of the quirky things about Pomodoro are in there — always completing a Pomodoro, for example, and how to combine little tasks into a single Pomo — and generally upped my game here.  At the very end of the month, started thinking about a daily routine variant when on the road, since I’m going on the road a bit more lately.  Basically it’s a matter of making the daily routine portable and pruning things that make no sense on the road (e.g., emptying my study inbox).

OK, so now the new themes for March, which reflect a “swerve” toward a somewhat different project for the year, which I’ll describe in a subsequent post.

  1. Team Formation in startups.  What’s a good team, how do founders pick teams, and how might they do so more effectively.
  2. “Purpose” and startups.  I believe that startups have to stand for something more than making money (although they should also make money!), for practical as well as idealistic reasons.  I want to review the literature and evidence for this point of view.  I guess I’ll start here with “Built to Last”.
  3. “Know-how” and startups.  I want to review the literature on better outcomes for startups where the founder(s) know something special about the domain where they are working, something that gives them an unfair advantage.

As usual, please let me know your thoughts.