Themes for Work and Learning, week of November 11, 2018

So, I didn’t finish the vomitout for Chapter 2 last week either.  There seems to be a pattern.

I’m going to persist with my scheme, though, and continue vomiting out with Chapter 3, “Cooperation vs. Competition.”

In terms of reading, I was idiotically ambitious about my reading last week.  I did a tad of reading in Black Reconstruction, not a word of reading in Capital in the 21st Century, and a solid amount of reading only in Debt: The First 5,000 Years.

“Solid”, but not definitive.  I still haven’t finished Debt.  Sadder but wiser, I’m just going to aim to finish Debt, this week and let the chips fall where they may.

So, finish Debt and personfully try to vomitout Chapter 3.

Honestly?  Sounds like a recipe for fudging whether or not I got to the finish line.  But so be it.

Another issue coming up.  I’m starting up teaching a course, my Winter 2019 MOOC at University of Maryland on “Validating a Business Model”.  I’ve had the luxury the last couple of months of no teaching responsibilities and was able to do Deep Work four days a week (and many of those days got up to a decent # of Pomodoros of Deep Work, so all to the good!).

That’s going to change now.  I have to think how to schedule my Deep Work in the week (which may affect my blogging schedule).  The course starts up Monday the 26th so I’ll have some new conclusions by then.